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Career Check-In with Angela Page

Angela Page | e-Commerce Manager, Wotif in Sydney, Australia

Angela Page smilingWhat does your typical workday look like?

What I love about my role is that a typical workday doesn’t exist. In eCommerce, we are responsible for the performance of our point of sale (POS) and interact many teams. As a result, I could spend the day working on test and learn opportunities, developing and implementing our POS strategies, helping the channels drive traffic and conversion, or work through a problem or issue on site to pinpoint what’s happening and then work to get resolved. Prioritization in my role is key.

What have you enjoyed most about working at Expedia Group?

Expedia Group has given me such an incredible opportunity to move to different teams and learn new skill sets, into roles with more responsibility, and to new regions. But above all else, I love the people and culture at Expedia Group.

What makes your team unique?

We are a team that wears many hats and touches many teams, yet we have very few buttons that we push. We are the team that is responsible for insights and working with the right teams to act on the opportunities we surface.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

As Area Manager of the Sydney market and after going through the migration with Wotif (a very crazy time that stretched us all), I received the 2015 Area Manager of the Year award in APAC. It was very unexpected but it was a very encouraging moment for me since I was a fairly new people manager at the time.

Who has influenced you the most?

When it comes to how I approach my career, my husband has influenced me the most. I used to struggle to take the time to shut off from work and I would often work around the clock. He has helped me to take a break and rest in the evenings and on weekends – which leaves me refreshed and ready to tackle each day ahead. He also helps me work and pray through each next opportunity. His advice is always sound.

How and where do you find inspiration?

Half the ideas and opportunities I run with came from someone else. I am only one brain, but the collective team (and those in different parts of the organization) have incredible ideas. I am inspired by those around me! We hire well. ?

How did you learn to embrace failure?

Failing your way to success is such a common cliché but it is so true. Each time I fail, I do a personal post-mortem to outline where I went wrong, what I could have done differently, and the impact of my mistake. My performance has not suffered from the mistakes I have made, but rather has excelled.

Side note: We have great people around us – don’t be afraid to reach out to vet an idea or to get advice if something is not going to plan!

What is your favorite piece of career advice?

Never be afraid to forego moving up (or getting a promotion) to take a lateral move to learn and grow instead. After having been in Lodging Partner Solutions (LPS) for 5 years, I was hungry to learn the demand side of our business. As a result, I am a more well-rounded professional and am excited about what potential opportunities will unfold as a result in the future.

Tell us about your favorite vacation?

It’s so hard to pick just one! Last year I scored 7-night package deal in a 4-star hotel to Beijing for my husband and myself for under $1000 AUD (SCORE!!!!!). We explored the city as locals, ate lots of yummy street food, and did a private tour covering untouched parts of the Great Wall of China. Was such a fun week of immersion in a new culture.

What is your favorite weekend getaway?

My favourite weekend getaway is heading to one of the many beautiful coastal beaches north or south of Sydney for a camping weekend. Nothing better on a restful weekend than crystal clear waters and hanging out under the stars.