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Introducing ACE
This is the first in a series of blogs introducing Expedia Group’s Business Resource Group. We know that it takes an eclectic group of travel fanatics to drive innovation and remain a dominant force in the travel industry and be an employer of choice. We want the best-of-the-best from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and skills – and we are committed to supporting growth and development within the company, both formally and informally. Our employee affinity/diversity Business Resource Groups are employee-driven and company-sponsored, providing networking and development opportunities throughout the year.
Introducing ACE, an Expedia Group Business Resource Group to promote and celebrate Asian culture. We hear from Quenita Dich, Salesforce Systems Administrator and a member of the ACE Leadership team…
When, how and why was ACE founded at Expedia Group?
ACE was founded about 4 years ago. We wanted to celebrate Lunar New year. There wasn’t a group who had put on events that shared Asian cultures.
What is ACE’s mission?
We strive to promote awareness of Asian cultures through cultural celebrations, volunteering efforts, and professional development opportunities for all Expedia Group.

How big is the ACE community? How many offices/countries do you have a presence in?
We have about 350 members subscribed to our ACE DL. We currently have Bellevue and Austin Texas. We’re expanding chapters this year and next year.
What is ACE most proud of in the last year?
Successfully putting on these cultural events: Lunar New Year, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (new to this year), Diwali, cross-collaboration professional development courses with other BRGs. We’ve also added volunteering events with the Wing Luke Museum. We’ve added a few meditation speaker sessions that have been a huge hit.

What are ACE’s goals for 2019 and beyond?
We’d like to expand to more chapters and have more cross-collaboration events with other BRGs. Potentially add Holi in our list of events.
Expedia Group recently brought together all the BRG leaders for the Summit – what did you learn from that?
We learned to keep up with our monthly BRG lead meetings to make sure we/re all aligned, learned that there’s an Asian group at VRBO, learned how we can rely on and get help from other BRGs.
How can people outside of the ACE community in wider Expedia Group and beyond be an ally to ACE?
Attend the events, share and spread the word when there are ACE events or announcements.
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